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Freshly Brewed
EquityBrew was created to distill the world of pre-seed and seed funding startups down into fresh easily consumable content that's perfect for reading while sipping on your morning cup of joe. We aim to deliver curated high quality content about new startup opportunities while offering an external perspective on their self-proclaimed prospects and growth potential. We believe that moving fast is how you win big and that staying current with the newest startups is one of the best ways to stayed informed on the market's shifting needs, because new businesses popup in an attempt to solve real world problems.

Fair-Trade Focused
While we are occasionally an opinionated editorial, we strive to gear more towards enlightening our readers with the information they need to come to their own informed decisions.


Our Blend
We tend to focus on early-stage startups for because it's difficult to find them and it's equally difficult for them to find us that are interested. It's a win-win situation.

Our unique blend of content includes:

  • Startups that are seeking Equity Crowdfunding

  • Founders utilizing Donation Crowdfunding like Kickstarter

  • Makers that haven't realized the business potential of their product

  • Hustlers that have great ideas, but struggle to make them happen

  • Informational content around how we can help these ideas thrive

  • Outliers in recent startup funding

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